One of my Socks is Missing


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Based on a True Story...

WARNING: This page is not for the kind of person that'll send me an e-mail, or call me or whatever, saying that I need help, or that they're going to tell their parents or the school shrink, or something. If you ARE, leave RIGHT NOW. I won't put up with any of that b.s anymore, I just won't.

If you can't deal with real life, all I gotta say is... WAKE UP AND SMELL THE CARBON MONOXIDE, kids. The world isn't perfect, people aren't perfect. Why should I be any different?


Vampire clan is a movie about a
coven of teenage vampires, or
so they say.

This movie follows the police as
they capture five teens, three
girls and two guys. And then
continues as Rod(the
leader) and Heather(his ex
girlfriend) tell their sides of the

If you like vampire movies, or
just plain creepy and
twisted films, this is definatly
for you.